Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 706

Chapter 706


Tyrone picked up a biscuit from the tin box and brought it to his mouth. As he took a bite, the dry, hard texture of the cookie made him feel Like he was chewing on a brick. He shot a quick, sidelong glance at Wanda.

Engaged in conversation with Jennie and smiling, Wanda inquired about her life in Hoijery.

The little girl responded with maturity beyond her years.

At just four years old, Jennie possessed clear speech and agile thinking, allowing her to express herself systematically and coherently. Her intelligence was impressive, and she quickly won over the heart of everyone she met.

Turning to Jennie, Wanda asked, Did you bring all your luggage in that backpack, dear?

Yes. Jennie nodded. Grandma said I shouldnt bring too much so I could carry it myself.

Indeed, you shouldnt burden yourself with too much luggage. Youre still young and shouldnt tire yourself out. But, Jennie, you didnt bring any clothes. How about asking your uncle to take you shopping for some clothes? Wanda suggested.

Arent you coming with us? Jennie inquired.

m a bit too old to manage long walks, dear. Ill stay here.

ALL right.

Wanda winked at Tyrone and said, Take Jennie to the mall to buy some clothes and show her around.

Sure, Tyrone responded, getting up.

Even without Wandas suggestion, Tyrone had the same plan in mind.

Lets go to the mall, Jennie, Tyrone said, holding his hand out.

Jennie hopped off the sofa and slipped her little hand into his, and they left.

Dont forget to be back for Lunch! Wanda called after them.

Great-grandma, please save some food for me. Ill be back for Lunch,

Jennie turned and requested.

Dont worry, my Little one! There will be a meal waiting for you.

Wanda watched as they departed, hand in hand, and let out a long sigh.

She couldnt help but think about what a clever girl Jennie was. She was healthy and capable, so why would her parents abandon her?

